A Good Show

I've been watching some of the wedding at Manchester Airport.
I found it all rather moving.
Mind you the dignity bubble which surrounded the occasion was somewhat burst by a rather common woman in an orange singlet who was drinking a pint of lager from a plastic glass.
She turned to her companions and roared " Meghan's a real classy bitch ain't she? "


  1. I was just watching it online .. with the cats.. who don't drink this early in the morning.

  2. I don't know about classy.

  3. From the (admittedly very few) pictures I've seen so far, I'm not in love with the dress. I like the simplicity of it, but don't find much to recommend it beyond that.

    1. Let me add, that after watching a short clip of the vows, I did think Meghan looked very pretty, and she and Harry look happy. I wish them well.

  4. It was a beautiful ceremony and the bride and groom looked fabulous.

  5. I watched the lot. I loved every minute of it - especially the U.S. Bishop's address! Like they say, we do pomp and circumstance very well in this country.

    1. I hope you cried! I shed a tear of pride at a still of the bride progressing alone, through a sea of onlookers, train held aloft by two little boys.

    2. The address was top notch.

    3. Anonymous2:37 pm

      You "loved every minute of it - especially the US Bishop's address". That' what I like about you, Tom. When you put your mind to it you have such ability to tread that marvelous and thin line of confusing (some of) your readers whether you are serious or taking the piss.

    4. He went off piste a bit too long....the gospel singers were fantastic ...and what hair!

    5. That Bishop took advantage of the best gig of his life. You cannot blame him, but he won't be invited to preach again. Even the choir was openly laughing half way through, in a good-humoured way. Prince Phillip looked as though he would burst a vessel though.

    6. Anonymous10:02 pm

      That's the best comedy sketch I seen in a while, Classic.

  6. FABULOUS wedding! nice to see the US represented so well in the AA choir and minister. diversity is a wonderful thing!

  7. I've stayed up to watch here in NZ, just beautiful and they look very much in love. A gorgeous English spring day too.

    We are sure there will be a wild party at Windsor tonight.

  8. I just watched the part where they were showing the crowds in the streets and just a high overhead look at the whole thing .. I wished I was there :)

  9. It's ok Harry, I will still always love you. :(.....

  10. No one puts on a good wedding show like the Royals!

  11. Her dress was beautiful, not all lacy and fussy, clean lines and suited her figure ... I enjoyed the video you can see online, the village, the whole scene .. I think it was all very well done.

  12. Your is the only picture I've seen. All that royal redhead need do is put on an army suit. And escort a lovely woman through a doorway stuffed with flowers. I'll be on the lookout for a rerun. And, you have a good vacation. I hope it's like visiting with my friend Ann.

  13. It was so much fun. We got up at 4am here and watched (just put up a post on the blog about it). Now I'm off to the farm. But thanks Harry and Meghan for sharing it with the world!

  14. It was simply beautiful and the sun shone on them !

  15. What a beautiful, moving, wonderful, and happy occasion. Her Givenchy dress with the symbols of the Commonwealth embroidered in her veil, the exquisite Filigree tiara of Mary of Teck, and her poise made her a most beautiful, gorgeous, and ethereal bride. She floated and glowed the entire ceremony.

    She (and her mother) radiated dignity and poise and composure that was matched only by the Queen. I loved the energy and message and genuine spirit of the wedding. It was all a very family and friends affair. It was great to see the military forces and charity he served with present. It is always a pleasure to see the Queen looking so regal, and glad the Prince was well enough to attend.

    My heart felt for Megan's mother. No doubt she was feeling a lot of emotion. Here she was, her daughter getting married, yet her own husband was not well enough to make the trip. It must be so lonely to be the only family member present, away from her husband, the father of her child, on this momentous occasion. But she kept her dignity and showed incredible grace under pressure.

    And it was fascinating to see all those celebrities present. I recognized many of the Hollywood stars and famous people. But it felt like an intimate affair, relaxed and welcoming, and just simply tender and touching to see two people in love get married.

    Congratulations and Best of Luck to them. May they spend all their days happy, healthy, and fill their lives with love, laughter, and joy. Cheers!

    1. Hear, hear. Fabulous ceremony, gorgeous bride, handsome groom and the love shone through all the time. I especially loved that lokk of love from Harry as he saw his bride coming up the aisle.

    2. I agree too eroswings with your beautiful post and Rambler x

    3. Not to pick nits, but Doria Ragland has been divorced from Meghan's father for years. Many a single mum has been the only parent at a child's wedding. She looked absolutely lovely.

    4. Well put eroswings I agree whole heartedly with your eloquent comment. Thank you

  16. I've just watched the exchange of the vows and want to see more. This couple just charm me. Harry is darling and Megan is beautiful but also, seemingly very, very real. A breath of fresh air to the aristocracy and royalty. I wish them every good thing.

  17. I got up at 4am to watch the wedding and I thoroughly enjoyed it! The royals certainly have the most beautiful weddings. Most importantly the look of love in Harry and Meghan's eyes was so special. I wish them both much happiness.

  18. I missed the tipsy lady, was she in the church?
    Not a royal watcher normally but enjoyed it.

  19. Other than a few dodgy frocks-n-hats, it was a pretty good bash!

    1. Camilla she hat was asight

    2. How many drinks have you had to celebrate at the airport then John ... hic πŸ˜‰πŸΎπŸ·πŸ˜‰

  20. Is there a more beautiful couple than George and Amal Clooney?? Well, besides the bride and groom, of course :)

    1. I agree...George and Amal looked wonderful! I really loved her dress.

  21. The Wedding was on at 1AM here so I am watching reruns at 7 AM here in Tucson.
    The Wedding looked very lovely especially everything esrowings said !
    Have a great weekend John.

    cheers, parsnip

  22. Parasite weds socialite; taxpayers foot the enormous security bill. Talk about 'bread and circuses'.

    1. How can Harry be called a parasite, after all he's done? And if Meghan is a socialite, it's not though being a scrounger. She's worked too. Hush your mouth, Rebel; go and watch the football instead.

    2. Harry is a war veteran . He fought for all of our security

    3. He also didn't ask to be born into the royal family; he's doing the best he can to be a productive member of society, and is doing a heck of a better job than a lot of the "common" people. And calling her a "socialite" with her background is laughable...

  23. I just love it all.I have bunting at my house window.This has been my favourite Royal Wedding ever x

  24. OMG, I laughed at your our last sentence.. I enjoyed watching it and like both Harry and Meaghan. The ceremony suited them.

  25. Got up at 4am to watch and enjoyed every minute of it! Did have to laugh at the reactions to Rev. Curry - my Presbyterian Church had a guest minister from North Carolina a few months ago and she was obviously expecting a few HALLELUJAHS etc. in responses but finally gave up and said "I forgot you are Canadians"! We just didn't know what to say! Some there seemed to be having the same reaction.

  26. We frankly enjoyed it all a lot. He looked a bit nervous, and she looked elegant. Her mother looked charming. I looked at the Queen hoping to see a smile. I did see one on Philip. Best of all, the sun was out.

  27. I am glad you all enjoyed it. She is a beautiful bride.
    But I am not sure that this marriage will last. She behaved more like an actres than like a person who is in love. Poor Harry!

    1. Bollocks! she behaved like a young woman very much in love. She was beautiful, assured and composed and she did a great job

  28. I wonder if you even needed to say that the woman was "rather common." Groan!

  29. A very lovely wedding. Let's hope they stay happy and committed to each other.
    Your description of the the lager swilling woman made me shudder with horror!

  30. I guess it's comforting to know that somewhere there are still people living like this, immune to the problems of we, the sans culottes.

    1. You don't think they have their own set of problems??
      They may not have to worry about money or whats for dinner but then everyone wanting a piece of them, every single hour of their waking day, not able to set foot outside and sit without being approached... tis a high price for those 'people living like this'

  31. I had my handkerchief out.

    I was but a wee lad when Charles and Diana married. I was there for Diana's funeral. Williams wedding and now Harry's So I feel I grew up with them. Watching the brothers sit in the nave, their strong bond got to me.

  32. I thought the whole wedding was tasteful and classy. I didn't watch all of it, but I did get to see the dress (kinda lost interest after that)


  33. Everything went off beautifully. I particularly loved the wee lad that held the brides train when she entered the chapel and the trumpets heralded Meghans arrival... his face of delight with gapped tooth smile was priceless.
    I also thought she needed all her skills of an actress to be so composed in entering the chapel on her own - all very well and symbolising the independent woman, but it took a lot of composure and courage to actually pull that off and look confidently radiant - her eyes were looking forward straight at Harry.. good luck to them in their future together and I truly hope they do get some respite from the press.

  34. I had a couple of glimpses of the build up chat. There was fair beck talking which jarred my nerves. One woman said the ten children were eighty two to eighty seven and another woman said Windsor castle was once the domicile of maid evil kings.

  35. I thought it was beautiful. All of it. Meghan's mom was absolutely lovely. As for the prat drinking the beer, I was watching Sky commentary and there was a prat in what looked like a high viz jacket jumping around behind them. Once was fine, twice OK, but she followed them around constantly and was ALWAYS in the back of the shot (swigging her beer). I think we may have been looking at the same eejit. I hope someone makes a cartoon out of it!

  36. I loved every minute, especially the looks on the faces of Meghan and Harry's faces before, during and after the service. True love for sure.

  37. I had to work this morning and it was on the news channels as I prepped for work. Not my kind of thing but I understand I'm not the target audience. By which I mean, the target audience is probably "humanity" and I'm not there. Seemed to go smoothly and I wish everyone involved the best.

  38. @Mage, I had the feeling that the Queen was stony faced only to hold back all the tears, I know I was well on the way to a good sob fest.

  39. It was lovely, I watched every minute of it. Meghan looked beautiful, Harry looked so happy. And the weather was perfect.


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