
I went to see the Almodovar film Julieta this evening and on the drive home, tied myself up in knots trying to prĂ©cis it in my head.
I sort of gave up but suffice to say it's a wonderfully moving and melodramatic romp around the themes of guilt, fractured memory, repressed feelings and mother love.
The story of a 30 year guilt trip of Madrid academic Julieta ( Adirana Ugarte & Emma Surez as young and old Julieta respectively)  is peppered with typical Almodovar touches. A towering Hitchcockian musical score, technicolour and predominantly scarlet visuals and a multi layered something-to-say about the difficulties and joys of mothers and motherhood.
All set with big hair, 1980 flashbacks and a housekeeper worthy of Mrs Danvers out of Rebecca
It's a cracking romp.
Look out for Almodovar's signature scene where a  grief stricken young Julieta is  being lifted out of the bath by her teenage daughter. The daughter covers her mother's head in a towel and in a sweep removes it revealing the older and more shopworn  Julieta. The younger actresses handing the baton of the narrative to the older seamlessly .
I loved it

Every melodrama needs a mad housekeeper Rossy de Palma


  1. H.I. has the Almodovar box set. She loves him.

    1. She has a look of his fav mature actresses

    2. I reviewed it and would have given it an 8 if I had given it a figure. I liked the film very much though.

    3. She used to look very much like a young Monica Vitti.

  2. My two favorites, Almodovar and Biga are the two best directors in the Spanish cinema.

    I still laugh remembering Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown and that was certainly from a long time ago. But good when really good, can only get better.

    1. Almodovar has always moved and amused me . He's a great filmmaker .....ALL ABOUT MY MOTHER blew my mind

  3. I've seen a few Almodovar films and just dont get it. I dont know what I'm missing. Anyways, Julieta sounds good, maybe I'll give him another shot

    1. He throws everything into the mix...... Think 1950 melodrama with a Spanish take

  4. Thanks for the review.
    Can't wait . . .

  5. I don't like to give away my thoughts of what will turn out to be my 'Film of the Year' before its end, but 'Julieta' is currently the one most likely to claim that accolade. There - I've said it!

  6. Watching one of his films is like being engrossed in a really good book...I do like his work.

  7. John, you really do write the most cracking film reviews - you should be writing them for a few of the newspapers who turn out such boring ones.

  8. I love Almodovar! I'm looking forward to seeing this one.

  9. Gosh I think I need educating .... I have never even heard of Almodovar!!


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