Chelsea Eat Your Heart Out!

Mr ButÅ‚er and Trendy Carol 

Today, my time will be split somewhat unevenly between a Elvis lovng professional vegetable judge and Winnie's new " babysitter"
Not many people can say that.
Today is the day that Mr Butler will adjudicate the entries in the best garden classes of the show.
Now Mr Butler is a national judge of some reputation and standing. He has over forty years experience in the field and is so passionate in his work, he has even  had his own particular medal manufactured so that any exhibit that particulary catches his eye, he can award them " The Mr Butler Medal of merit" , a prize much sought after in Flower Show circles.
This year I shall be accompanying Mr Butler with his judging. The job is usually undertaken by village matriarch Irene , but she is away today. Trendy Carol was going to be asked to act as chaperone, as Mr Butler has a noticable soft spot for her, but she is unfortunately working. She will, however, accompany him at the show itself, ( no doubt wearing something reassuringly expensive! )

I shall post some photos of the garden entries here on this blog entry later!

I mentioned Winnie's new babysitter did I not? Well that is a kind of thumbs up for facebook I must admit. - in a short time The Prof and I are off to see his family in Kent. As usual the Olympian event which is the organisation of animal care had to be faced, and as usual , it never ran smoothly.
The Welsh terriers are off to kennels together, George has been booked in for his usual pampering by my sister and her dogs and Winnie was earmarked to go to the very comfortable home  of a bulldog fanatic and friend. ( bulldogs cannot with the slightly utilitarian nature of professional dog kennels)
Unfortunately my friend sort of let me down at the last minute so I resorted to facebook for some ideas.
Within 5 minutes of posting a plea for ideas, an ex colleague, and dog lover had messaged me with the offer of a week's  bulldog pampering ( subject to interview) so Winnie and I will be visiting her new babysitter to see if her pet dog gets on with the old gal.
" I can't off her four walks a day, but I can offer her a whole lotta loving"  the facebook reply said
The effective and positive side of facebook me thinks!

I'll post you some photos of that meeting later too!
Hey ho


  1. It is always a worry about what to do for the animals if you want to go away. Sounds as if Winnie will be well cared for by her new babysitter. Hope she gets on with the other dog!

  2. Bravo for pulling together your dog care arrangements. We have enough trouble arranging care for ONE dog. I can't imagine dealing with several!

  3. Should be a going the gardens, I hope this drizzle dires up for you, but it is not doubt doing the gardens a favour, a last minute watering can be no bad thing :-)

    I was tempted to offer to have Winnie for you, but then commonsense prevailed and I thought she would get as stressed here with two rowdy Jack Russells as she would in kennels. Although if it had just been her and Suky that would have been a match made in heaven :-)

  4. Now that didn't make sense!! It should say 'Should be a good day for going round the gardens' ... but it didn't did it!!

  5. such a nice couple at the top. the flower show is coming together nicely!

  6. Hang on. You aid Mr Butler had forty years experience "in the field" so why is he judging gardens and not fields?

  7. Winnie really is very special isn't she? I know like me you are a Terrier lover first and foremost (completely understandable, they are just the best)but that Winnie is something else again!

  8. I can imagine the Gray Medallion in Novelty Vedge in your future.

  9. Maybe Winnie's new babysitter could dress up as a workman (hi-vis vest/tool belt etc) for the first meeting... She wont be able to resist that :)

  10. What about your surprised cat Albert. Not home alone I hope? Good name for a film.

    1. He will be home alone with the neighbours popping in for company

  11. I'd have had Winnie for a week for you, we're 'animal less' at the moment, so she'd have been fine here!
    My husband loves bulldogs, so it would have been a real treat for him too.
    Hope she likes her new babysitter though!

  12. For all the problems created by instant social media, there are truly some advantages, too! Hope this turns out to be a good place for Winnie to have a spa week.

  13. I would adore to watch Winnie (maybe George also if your sister will give him up) thehamish would love her.
    Just think all the new and different sniffs and views. But the heat would be so hard on Winnie and of course the airplane ride would be too stressful.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish.

  14. Ha ha. "Mr Butler ... has over forty years experience in the field." I wonder if his experience might not have been better for this purpose had it been in the garden instead of in the field.

  15. Who could not help but live our dear winnie as we all do. It is always difficult trying to find a caring babysitter. It is not easy for me especially with a cat named DEMON PUSS.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Who could not help but love our dear winnie as we all do. It is always difficult trying to find a caring babysitter. It is not easy for me especially with a cat named DEMON PUSS.

  18. Who could not help but love our dear winnie as we all do. It is always difficult trying to find a caring babysitter. It is not easy for me especially with a cat named DEMON PUSS.

  19. Glad Alberts being looked after. My cats have an number of faces ranging from "Happy and smiley"," to pissed off" and" get away from me lady or I'll scratch". Occasionally they look sad and then a cuddle is called for. Have a nice break


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