It's Grim Up North

It's cold and wet
The rain hasn't stoppd for what seems like an absolute age.
Apparantly one small Welsh village in Pembrokeshire called Eglwyswrw, has had rain
everyday ,for the past 81 days!
It was so miserable this afternoon that even the geese were sitting inside their house when
I went to lock them up.
The log burner is lit, and we are having Indian for supper.
The Prof is in his arm chair covered by a warm throw
"'s grim up north"


  1. A log burner.....oh how I dream of one of those. Do they take ages to heat the room though? are they a real faff to light etc.,? bet they are worth it.....enjoy your snuggling down in the warm.

  2. Not so grim up Northern Ireland. Heating oil is now 58% cheaper than it was last winter. So we're happily turning up the radiators and keeping the cold well away. Still plenty of rain though.

  3. They are talking about this right now on Radio 4, you're so current!!
    Lisa x

  4. Could be easing a bit in a couple of days, J.G., though one can never know for sure. Fingers tightly crossed.

  5. How do you pronounce Eglwyswrw John?

  6. Can't even imagine rain like that. I would stow away on a ship bound for Hawaii. Loved the picture. What is indian supper?

    1. Hot curry for the Prof, a mild one for me, jasmine rice, and nibbles before hand

  7. Having Indian ... anyone we know?

    Love the picture!

  8. Replies
    1. That's who I meant der...!

    2. I thought so! I miss Violet Carson. She taught me Northern manners as a child.

    3. ENA so right...i'm also thinking of Ida clough ....she died in the snug of the Rovers Return

    4. Anonymous10:00 am

      It was Martha Longhurst who shuffled off this mortal coil in the Rovers! X

    5. Bottles of stout in the snug...

  9. My thought exactly !

  10. Can you give us any background on the photo - it's very interesting! I don't mind being inside when it rains, but then I think about all the creatures that can't be in a warm place and get upset about that.

    1. Its a publicity shot of a 1960s soap here in the uk
      The woman is a character called Ina Shaples who was a hair- netted old battleaxe who used to drink in the local pub in the fictitional northern city of Weatherfield.

    2. Battleaxe seems the perfect description.

      Thanks for the information :)

    3. Interesting photo of Ena Sharples.
      Now if that was today, she'd bronzed and toned, wearing jeans, hoodie, long boots, and have a mobile (cell) phone clamped to her ear, not hanging on to a handbag the size of a suitcase ! And the actress playing her would be no more than 25. How times have changed....

  11. Oh My Goodness !
    It must be bad if the geese are in their little home. Poor Eglwyswrw with 81 straight days of rain !
    Winter here is one of nicest seasons. Today it will be 59/37
    We have to wait for the storms from the west, one or two day of rain in the valley and snow in the mountains. With sun and blue skies peeking through. We don't mind because we all know the hot summers are coming, so winter is a treat.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  12. i could live happily somewhere that has rain every day.

  13. Rain for 81 days? Unimaginable for us in dry California.
    Good read.

  14. Rain for 81 days? Unimaginable for us in dry California.
    Good read.

  15. North? NORTH? Stick another 600 miles on that - THAT'S North...mard-arse...

  16. We've had rain every day since 3rd November last year, so not far behind Eglwyswrw (not that far away either - it's much nearer the Preselis than us though). Still, it could be worse, we could live in Tregaron (there's a good reason there's a blardy great BOG there!)

    I KNEW it was Ena Sharples. It was the hairnet. That gives my age away then doesn't it?!

  17. Enjoy your evening.

  18. I don't remember how long it has been raining but it is that rain that is on the verge of being sleet. Cold slick and miserable out.
    I had people here ,looking at my house, which is for sale. They were interested enough to walk all over the property .. the cats went into my bedroom and slept on my pillows until all the strangers left.
    Now we are having soup and watching some trash TV.
    Have a good weekend .. stay warm ..

  19. Eglwyswrw? Do vowels dissolve in rain in the eastern hemisphere?

    Stay warm.

    1. W and y are both vowels in Welsh, as well as a,e,i,o and u. W has an "oo"" sound!

  20. Oh send us some rain. Normally here it rains in October and November. This year, hardly a drop of rain for nearly a year. I'm in the southern slopes of the alps, Lago Maggiore, and its like the bloody Gobi desert here. Should be snowing by now, but still bugger all, day after day. Not looking promising for a good tomato crop this year.

  21. We had lots of flooding up here in the north of Scotland; some folks will be out of their homes for months until they're dried out and repaired. Now we have freezing conditions. I've broken the ice on the pond for the birds several times today. Poor things just stand on the ice looking puzzled if I don't break it so they can have their drink.

  22. Love the battle-axe in the dreary photo. I know all your animals are also warm and dry while you eat supper and enjoy the fire. Hope the sun appears soon. xx

  23. That's a great photo of Ena, brings back memories. I used to be a Corrie fan back in the day, but I haven't watched it for years. But what is she doing in a council flat? If I recall she used to live at the Glad Tidings Mission Hall. (I have a good memory for useless trivia.)

    As for rain...we are desperate for it over here! It has been a very dry summer.

  24. You sound comfortably sheltered and warm in your cozy cottage. Greetings Maria x

  25. I'm beginning to see where the story of Noah's Ark came from if the current floods and rain we keep having is anything to go by.

  26. I wish I could send you some of our sun & you could send us a little of your rain.

  27. We had a dim, gray, foggy morning in Washington, DC, but now the sun is taunting us with a few minutes of gleaming through the scudding clouds. I'm making a new soup recipe - German Beer Cheese; we shall see. But on Tuesday, when we go back to work, they're saying it could be zero degrees - Fahrenheit. I'd settle for a little rain, if not 81 days...

  28. Some world-wide weather moderation would be nice. Very nice.

  29. Anonymous9:06 pm

    That sucks. Your part of the country really does seem to cop the worst of whatever nature throws at us.
    I feel very lucky that my bit always gets off light. Draw a straight line from Cambridge to Kings Lynn, and while the rest of the country gets battered by floods, hail storms and blizzards, those of us within that area sit scratching our heads wondering where our share has got to.
    Being at or slightly below sea level does have its benefits even if it is flat boring and featureless in the fens.

    1. I can't visualise if your line includes Ely, but when I was at school there it seemed as if we were totally ruled by the weather. Jeeze it used to get cold.

    2. Anonymous7:36 am

      With Ely being THE high point of the fens I'm not surprised Cro - catching all the winds and nasties that skim over the rest of the area!

  30. Well, it's awfully cold here. Not sure what is worse. Deb

  31. Wish the rain was falling in some of our drought affected areas.

  32. Snowing here in my little bit of Lancashire. I suppose it makes a change from the rain that we seem to have had almost every day for months.

  33. Hello all enjoying sam worthington in clash of the titans

    1. Anonymous10:35 pm

      Watched that again a couple of days ago, but was more focused on Gemma Arterton. Enjoyable film either way...

  34. I dream of temperatures warm enough for it to rain. Tomorrow we will have a high below zero Fahrenheit.

  35. Oooh. Iconic northern photo, gritty outspoken northern woman. Those were the days. It was raining then too.

  36. Eeh lad. Ena sharples. Martha longhurst and minnie Cauldwell. Where I lived in the 50s and 60s every street had women like them. Sharp tongue but salt of the earth characters that had hearts of gold under their grim facades.
    We too are getting fed up of the rain. Ne'er mind it's a new day tomorrow!

    1. Martha was her that died in the rovers...
      My early childhood was shocked by the time the viaduct collapsed!!!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Is that Ena Sharples on the balcony? Ooo - it reminds me of my first sexual fantasies. The chimney in the distance also seems familiar.

  39. Great photo! I'd gladly take your rain here in drought stricken, burning Western Australia. A bit less 'jolly' sunshine would be great!

  40. That photo of Violet Carson is an absolutely iconic image of the north for me.

  41. I wouldn't mind some of that rain done here under the equator.

  42. Rain? Too cold for rain here, tomorrow night is to be worse, around -19 C. Tonight we're being self-indulgent; I'm making pasta with prawns and crawfish tails in a lightly creamy sauce... tomorrow night, however, I'm being taken to dinner; time to celebrate a bit!

  43. Occasionally it's grim down south too. -1C here in SW France this morning.

    1. Here too (Spain) - just +4ÂșC and forecast to get colder. If we had any rain, it would probably fall as snow on higher ground.

  44. My late husband was hitching a lift over the Pennines years ago. He was picked up by Ena. She was a bit miffed when he didn't recognise her. He had no TV in those days!

  45. Whenever I feel our weather is dull and dreary, I can count on you to make me feel better about it. ;) Hang in there!

  46. fluffy snow here today - but no wood burning stove - would love one of those.

  47. You might be 'up north' by Welsh standards John, but believe me - it is even grimmer here in the 'real' North - snow, ice and freezing fog. Big casserole in the oven - and I am refusing to stick my nose out of the door today.

  48. Cold and snowy here near Manchester, two of my kids were out at 8am building a snowman my other child is inside feeling robbed as she has a virus and temp and can't play out.

  49. We have about 5 inches of snow today and it's still coming down. Hope it stops soon. The plough always comes round and I guess I will be out shovelling later but at least they have predicted sunshine later today. I think the "grey" would do my head in more than the snow. Just glad it's Sunday! And Ena Sharples - wow that ages me I guess. As a kid I remember Ena and Minnie Caldwell (and the hairnets) down at the Rovers. Gosh. Where did time go?

  50. Sounds perfect in your house though. That poor old lady on the sad.

  51. I vaguely remember that thing ... "sun" .. I saw it last summer I think.

  52. Now then
    81 days
    change it to snow

  53. Uf. We completely if we have two days of gray skies! Wishing you a bit of sunshine soon. That's a charming photo of you on the balcony.

  54. We COMPLAIN (damned autocorrect)

  55. May I trade your rain for our -41 celcius? :)


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