What Ya doing?

I just cant be arsed today.
I'm sitting on the couch with my chicken beanie on and have to say that I look remarkably like Jenny Murray from radio 4 .
I wonder if she slobs around with a knitted chicken on her head?
I bet she does.
How's your 27th going?
What are you doing right now?


  1. hello cutie! I am catching up on blogs and doing N-O-T-H-I-N-G!

    1. Well. I now realise that the question WAS rather stupid x

    2. not at all stupid, dear. it's your curious nature wanting to know.

  2. Drinking Baileys. :-)

  3. Anonymous8:36 pm

    Love the hat.
    What am I doing, besides talking to you that is, I'm making turkey soup.

    1. Anonymous9:39 pm

      There isn't one...it's soup lol...you just keep putting stuff in until it looks and tastes right. It's never failed me yet.

  4. Listening to rain.

  5. Cleaning out and putting fresh bedding in the pot bellied pigs house. Getting ready to sit down with a nice cold beer and cool off. Where the hwck is old man winter? 81f in December is just wrong. Love the chicken cap!

    1. I had pot bellied pigs! They were the sweetest things

  6. Anonymous8:39 pm

    What am I doing now? Having a good yawn before a nap, but checking Going Gently because a "funny story later" was promised ;^)

    1. I know ...i do have one to share but i just cant be arsed typing it..........i am keeping busy with a juicy satsuma
      And am waiting to watch " and then there were none " on BBC 1

  7. Please be arsed to type it John! I keep checking in for the story and wanted a bit more than a photo of you in a chicken beanie - as fetching as it is! :-)

    1. Simone..will post it tomorrow! It features winnie hysteria over a pig in blanket

    2. I look forward to it! :-)

  8. Back home having run after steam trains all weekend, enjoying myown bed and a soundproof toilet. Odd, the things being missed when away!

    1. Have you got loud flatulence ?

    2. Yes! :D How much do you want to know about it?

  9. I'm picking the dried fruit out of a toasted teacake so the dogs can have a bit....

    1. I just read that grapes are not good for dogs ? I don't know if that is true about raisins also.

      cheers, parsnip and thehamish

    2. Yes, it's true, that's why I pick them out. You can't do that with xmas cake though, too much fruit, so I have to eat that secretly, stood in the airing cupboard...

  10. Just let the last of my four dogs out for their morning Doo dos..could be coffee time!

  11. Right now I'm responding to your post while also wondering how the hell I'm going to get through all the food I have! Why do I do it? And I do it every Christmas...and every Christmas I tell myself I'll not do it again....!!!

  12. Laundry, shopping, out for a walk and now making soup with leftover turkey.

  13. Reading & commenting on your blog while enjoying my first cup of coffee for the day,
    Oh it's the 28th here!

  14. Out for breakfast with a friend, home for a VERY light lunch, out with the dogs, cooked a VERY light dinner and we're all off to bed now ! Gosh, it's been a tiring day !

  15. Our village is up to its armpits in water - not how we want to spend Boxing Day or any other day! :-(

    1. Its dreadful all over..we've been very lucky here

    2. We've been hugely lucky. Been helping out friends with labour and beds - absolutely heartbreaking seeing our village like this; but hugely proud of how everyone is rallying round to help. My husband is even more my hero than usual.

  16. Just survived a beautiful swim in the ocean. Got caught in a horrible rip. Finally after my eldest son was worried about how far out I was. I managed to get out of the rip, got dumped by a huge wave and thrown into my son. Almost broke my neck and lost my prescription sunglasses. Just another day at the beach in Australia. No sharks today at least.....

  17. Love the chapeau! Just got in from a few errands, one included a purchase of champagne. And a new calendar for the upcoming year. Now its cold out (-38 celcius including the wind chill) and I am thinking I need a chicken hat.

  18. Testing, testing... seeing if I can type without bleeding...

    Btw, the Great Scot said to tell you he thinks you and Chris look brilliant in your kissy face photo. =D

  19. Sitting on the veranda reading blogs and picking at a blister I got on my thumb from raking the washed up seagrass off the beach. Oh - also admiring the view of the tidy (for now) beach. It is a gorgeous day here in Belize.

  20. My son and his lovely wife are home from Australia. In a bit we will go out to celebrate our anniversary. Life is still good even after 28 years.

  21. sitting here trying to do as little as possible. it would all be much better if i had a chicken tugue though!

  22. Just got back from visiting my parents and exchanging Christmas presents with them. Cracking open a bottle of wine and turning on Netflix for some chill time. :)

    1. What are younwatching?

    2. The UK version of Being Human. Aiden Turner isn't hard on the eyes, if you know what I mean. ;)

  23. Cute hat.
    Contemplating clouds ...

  24. Somebody said he had a funny story ...

  25. right now I'm reading your Blog. just watched second episode of ten little soldiers and looking forward to third & last episode. read original while suffering toncilitis. made my turkey stock today & did a mini re- roast of leftovers. lovely walk. Sad as daughter leaves for Oz one week today.

    1. Its rather dark isnt it? I think its the judge

  26. Enjoying my birthday! And trying to stay warm. The rain is to turn to ice tonight mixed with snow tomorrow...taking down a few of the decorations and just relaxing... :)

    1. I take the decs down very soon after christmas too.....happy birthday chuck xx

  27. I hugged somebody who was sick on Christmas, and now her unwanted gift has been given to me. I am just laying around in my room because nobody wants me near them. I don't blame them and I am rather enjoying the quiet.

  28. Cider, Quality Street and fourth houseguest in as many days :-)

    1. Cider and chocolates...you decadent cow x

    2. Haha ... I know how to live ;-)

  29. Family party. Brilliant food. Drink, friends, food. Oh. So, so tired.
    Dog licked the child's plate, dog got into trouble. Mum wafted kitchen towel at dog. Mum got into trouble. Just another festive Christmas.

    1. A fall out is power for the cause eh?

  30. Cleaning carpets, doing laundry, washing dishes, putting together two new bookshelves, all while watching the Carolina Panthers lose their first game of the season. This is the first time Miss Chef and I have had more than a single day off together in 6 months or more, and we had to take full advantage. Oh, and it's about 23C and humid, which makes it all much less pleasant than it sounds.

    1. I cant cope in humid climates...i just haveto lie down with a fan..like blanche dubois

  31. Watching the big snowflakes pile up into big drifts. Our Christmas card weather came a couple of days later than it was supposed to. The 25th was almost warm enough for short sleeves :)

  32. Sitting here with a beer after a delightful day.
    Shit. I forgot. I need to make pizza crust.

    1. Darn it! I cursed on your blog. I am sorry. Feel free to delete.
      I've only had one half of a small beer. I promise.
      But I did make the pizza crust.

    2. Haha! Ham, pineapple, black olives, arugula, onion, artichoke hearts. And cheese.

  33. You know how some people seem to get the same thing for Christmas every year? Well with me, it's pharyngytis - when everything in your throat swells up. Not fun. I lost my voice on Monday, and while I was at work was in no pain, didn't feel ill, then last night the roof of my mouth started feeling raw, and by this morning my right ear and throat were painful and I had one hamster cheek. Now trying to gather the strength to get to bed and hope I've dosed myself up enough to get shot of it.

    Still, keeps my mind off the fact that we've got to take Pumpkin to the vet for a full teeth descale on Tuesday. She doesn't like travelling at the best of times - I dread to think what level of dirty protest this visit will bring about.

  34. Laying in bed reading up on a good absinthe recipe. Now checking blogs before sleep. Nice hat by the way.

  35. Drinking chai tea with coconut cream it's my new fav drink.

  36. Deciding that I really should be getting on with doing the things I want to do rather than wasting time on the things I don't really want to do, but that I nevertheless do do. Dobee dobee do. That's it. Decided.

  37. Right now I'm idling by the computer after an early but already hot dog walk. I've got the sprinkler going and the timer set so I can get everything watered before the day begins. It is going to be 41C here today, which is 105F or a bit more. You'll be glad to hear, though, John that it won't be humid! :P Later we'll be hiding in the aircon, and I've got a list of fun indoor things to do like TTouch the dogs, paint the bookcover for my latest novel, and also some not so fun things like vacuum the floors, all while hoping like hell that we don't get a call out to a bushfire! :)

  38. Lying in bed with the fella, catching up on blogs. Belated felicitations m`dear x

  39. I just watched a couple of episodes of A Place To Call Home and now I am watching a re -run of Downton Abbey while I decide what kind of tea to have,
    I think the area in NY where I live is about to get hit with a big storm .. I might have to go food shopping in the am.
    Otherwise, it has been a super quiet and relaxed weekend.
    But I have hat envy.

  40. Anonymous1:21 am

    1.04am can't sleep so reading you.
    Yes, you are looking like Jenny Murry. She should be flattered!

  41. Having a glass of wine and watching old movies

  42. Had our Christmas morning today as the spouse worked Friday and Saturday...wonderful breakfast with all present and a warm and cozy tree time with lots of books and chocolate gifties to unwrap. Spent the rest of the day on the couch with a vicious migraine that snuck up out of nowhere. We set up our tree Christmas eve then leave it up 12 days. That hat adds a certain degree of crazy to your aspect I think!

  43. I finished some payroll a few moments ago to cut down the work for tomorrow morning...all while listening to The Nutcracker.

  44. (28th 7.15 a.m.)
    Goodness me! Indeed you DO look like Jenni Murray. It's the peering over the specs that does it. Isn't she a 'Dame' now? Or if she isn't there can't be much longer to wait - for both her and yourself.

    What am I doing right now? Well, I've just decided to buy a ticket for tomorrow's Lotto. I stopped doing it (Lotto, that is. Still do Thunder and Euro) when they put up the ticket price to £2 a shot. However, the current rollover of £42 mill is not to be sniffed at. (Animal charities get ready! A windfall is coming your way!) But only the one ticket, mind!

  45. Do you really want to know? I played with the dogs in the early part of the day, then sat on my behind, indoors, in front of the fan, through the hottest part. It was 32 degrees C here and will be 35 today. Sticky heat and I are not compatible! I love your beenie :)

  46. Oh, Raybeard...I am crossing fingers for you!!!!!!!

    1. I'll bet you're just one of many, D. :-) (But thanks!)

  47. It's 9.40pm on the 28th here - yesterday I binge watched Mapp and Lucia on video while picking all the food.
    Today, we were back at work - I cleared all the remaining Christmas stock which I record and make up a list of what is going into each box to stick on the outside. A lesson learned in our first couple of years. :) Then I set up a sales table, a display of things people can take on summer holiday...all in all it was a lovely, relaxing day with just my beloved and a few customers. A change is as good as a rest, and a change is mostly the only option I get ;-)

  48. We had a lovely day. Went to coffee at one of the few coffee shops open, did our annual trip to the local rocky shoreline and walked around a flat calm sea. Home and prepared dinner for guests. enjoyed their company. Read your blog (thank you) and now ready for bed. Temperature around 26 (78 to you Brits) and perfect. Aren't we lucky.
    Love the hat, BTW - it will keep you toasty warm. Waiting to hear the blog we were promised .... you are a tease!!

  49. Yesterday saw me with a house full of children for my daughters 10th birthday party, followed by a nice bath with lush bĂ thbomb, a box of chocs and reading my new book. X

  50. All ready for London fashion week I see.
    I've almost worn out my armchair today.

  51. Having been a guest of Jenni Murray I can safely say you look nothing like her....

  52. Me? I think I'm going to go shop for a chicken beanie.

  53. Just this morning returned from Christmas in New York. It was fab.

  54. You look great in the chicken beanie. I'm also just swooning around the house, blog visiting and checking mail. I look forward to the story! xx

  55. I think you look more like a chicken who is saying thank goodness I missed the butcher's knife this Christmas.

  56. Yesterday doubled over with back pain or something, if that or my hip problems. Very painful.
    Today April Fool's Day around here ... to be careful with jokes.
    Greetings from faraway Chile

    1. I will have to read about chile's fools day! on google

  57. Catching up on 8 days of your blog. Middle son and his lovely partner had twin baby boys and I have been going back and forth from hospital to their place (they have a cat and a wood stove that need tending) and home, and off to our other kids and grandkids homes for Christmas. I feel like a wind up toy that is winding down....Christmas cake for breakfast-that should give me some temporary energy. All the best to you and the Prof.


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