Tooth and Claw

The pigs have shown their true colours this morning by killing and eating an unfortunate wellsummer hen.
The little 21 has proved herself to be an aggressive and tenacious little killer, and agile enough to corner and run down a healthy young hen......
Note to self, don't fall asleep in the pig enclosure
cue a whole host of pig attack related stories...............


  1. I didn't know pigs would do that? Learn something new every day!

  2. A new horror film: The Last Little Piggy. I never knew that a pig would hunt down and kill a chicken.

  3. I wouldnt have believed it either greg but I saw her stalk and chase one ( which got away!)
    funny as yesterday the hens were walking past the pigs without a problem!

  4. I was warned about the likelihood of pigs killing my chickens when I bought my 2 American Guinea Hog gilts. I'm not sure if it was because my girls were young or because Guinea Hogs are smaller, but Holly & Ivy never bothered the chickens. They just tore up the paddock, which is why they no longer reside here!

  5. When I was a kid and we were on PEI and on a farm, there was this huge sow who would walk around the farm yard along with the other smaller a flock of geese.
    Well, one day as we kids were watching all this farm activity, this sow walked towards a goose and bit its head!!! In the process its (the goose) eyes popped out!!! It lived and spent the rest of the summer learning to get around the yard without bumping into things!

    Amazing John how your post triggered this memory. Pigs can be vicious I guess.

  6. Anonymous11:39 pm

    Maybe now 21 IS bound for the freezer. No longer adorable she is headed for the slammer.

  7. When I worked at my uncle's stables we had both pigs and poultry running around the paddocks. The chickens would follow the pig feed, and then the pigs would chase them. Luckily they always managed to escape, but my uncle used to say if they weren't fast on their feet, they would be eaten by the pigs. !
    Silence of the Pigs.... :)

  8. Several states have had problems with feral pigs. They attack people and grow quite large and are extremely dangerous and unpredictable.

    What type of pig is 21? Her breeding may be partly responsible for her aggression.

    I know it will break your heart but, maybe, you should be counting pork chops and not naming her at all.

    I mean that is the kindest way possible.

  9. gail
    her mom and dad are placid pigs
    father is a saddleback, mother an old spot

  10. Think I mentioned something along these lines.......


  11. Well, that opens up a whole new array of names for the pig naming contest.

    I had no idea that pigs did such things...they don;t look like they would have the energy.

  12. Chicken flavoured bacon? Nasty No 21; show her the freezer John.

  13. Yep this is ah sign.

  14. Tell me that Meg, George, Maddie and William are never around 21. That would truly break my heart.

  15. Good grief, I never would have believed an ordinary domestic pig could do such a thing.
    Was 21 aiming to eat it or just killing for the fun of it - ugh!

  16. Yuk! What with that and the stories in the comments, I'm glad I've already had my breakfast.

  17. I'm another reader who had no clue that pigs could do that kind of thing but I can see a whole new TV series evolving out of it ala 'When Pigs Attack'!

  18. Don't throw the feet away - the Chinese reckon they're the best bit.

  19. Maybe you should name the calmer pig and put 21 in the freezer as suggested...

  20. I thought she may have some old spot in her. They were famous for good mothers and gentle keeping. We rarely see them anymore.

    Maybe this was a one time, never gonna happen again incident.

    Is she still called 21 or have you changed her name to Bacon?

  21. YIKES!! I know pigs can be aggressive but my neighbour keeps her chickens with her 2 female pigs & they live happily side by side. Mavis is an Old Spot & Milly is the same cross as 21.

  22. Call her "Bloody Mary" Yikes..........I had a neighbor that used to put the calves in with the pigs when they died, it was terribly gruesome for a young girl, but I've always known that pigs, (and chickens) are basically cannibals. Once they start eating meat, they have to be watched.

  23. Hannibal Lecter! Pigs are very good at getting rid of evidence ......

  24. Good lord, I had no idea pigs would go after hens! Bacon it is.

  25. John I think people often forget that pigs and indeed chickens will eat anything if the fancy takes them, not being vegetarians like sheep and cows.I had to smile when I saw an advert for "eggs from chickens fed a natural vegetarian diet"!! Kathy

  26. Geez Louise John....I had no idea pigs could be so vicious. Oh wait...I remember riding our horses bareback in the mountains with my friend in British Columbia one day. We were riding through a small pasture looking for a trail into the forest when my horse bolted and nearly threw me off. A sow with piglets came bolting out of the forest right towards us and she was MAD! Later on our way home we passed that same pig with her family on the side of the mountain road eating off the rotten carcass of a young moose that had probably been hit by a truck. She never even looked up at us! That was the last time we rode up that road. Yep....don't fall asleep in the pig pen!


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